For the Law was given through Moses; Grace and Truth were realized through Jesus Christ (John 1:17)

Law & Grace

God Does not Afflict

The Old Testament in the bible is something that we need to read with UNDERSTANDING! DID YOU KNOW? The Old Testament often contains negative examples we are NOT to follow. We should not assume that the Old Testament is a positive model to emulate until it passes New Testament muster. And by this, I mean

2023-11-29T08:28:02-08:00Law & Grace|

Rightly Dividing

Rightly Dividing the "Word of Truth" Towards the end of Paul’s ministry, he felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to return to Jerusalem. He was warned not to go. There were prophetic words to him that If he went to Jerusalem, he would be bound in chains. This did not deter Paul. He wanted

2024-05-08T16:46:59-07:00Law & Grace|

Legalism Survey

Legalism Survey Christians from a broad spectrum, demographically and denominational, were asked six questions in random order. Results were balanced by gender; participants were only Christians and only regular Churchgoers. There was an unusually high 81% participation rate; normal or typical is about 60%. "The Christian life is well summed up as ‘trying hard to

2023-04-16T19:31:39-07:00Law & Grace|

End of the Law

The End of the LAW Many Christians fail to understand how wonderful the love of God is in our lives. Not until we die to the power of the law, which is trying to please God, will we be able to walk in faith. As you consider these verses, the meaning of the finished work

2024-09-02T12:11:34-07:00Law & Grace|
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